Olink Webinars

Cambridge Symposium: A tipping point for healthcare: Systems medicine, big data and scientific wellness

Aug 12, 2021 9:50:10 AM / by Olink

Speakers:  Professor Leroy Hood, President and Co-founder of Institute for Systems Biology

Original Broadcast date:  June 13 2017


Systems medicine, the application of systems approaches to disease, places medicine at a fascinating tipping point—promising a revolution in the practice of medicine.  Leory hood discusses how systems biology approaches have framed systems medicine and  some of the new systems-driven technologies and strategies that have catalyzed this tipping point.  Moreover, four converging thrusts—systems medicine, big data (and its analytics), the digitalization of personal measurements and patient-activated social networks—are leading to a proactive medicine that is predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory (P4).  Contrast P4 medicine with contemporary evidence-based medicine and discuss its societal implications for healthcare.  P4 medicine has two central thrusts—quantifying wellness and demystifying disease.

Scientific wellness will catalyze a transformation in contemporary healthcare and it will provide tens of thousands of dense, dynamic, personal data clouds that will present striking new opportunities for pharma, biotech, nutrition and diagnostic companies.  As the cost of the assays for the dense, dynamic, personal data clouds decline, scientific wellness can be brought to the developing world leading to a democratization of healthcare unimaginable even a few years ago.


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Tags: Wider proteomics studies, Wellness, Precision medicine

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