Olink Webinars

Olink Population Health Summit 2022

Sep 26, 2022 3:14:56 PM / by Olink posted in Wider proteomics studies, Multiomics, Population based studies



Prof. Sir Rory Collins, Head of Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, 

Prof. Zhenming Chen, Richard Peto Chair in Epidemiology, University of Oxford and

Dr. Benjamin Sun Associate Scientific Director, Translational Biology at Biogen.

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Exploring molecular phenotypes of incident breast cancer through population-based proteogenomics

Dec 3, 2021 10:04:35 AM / by Olink posted in Oncology, Multiomics, Clinical research, Population based studies


Speakers:  Dr. Anders Mälarstig Director of Target Sciences Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development

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