Olink Webinars


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Analysis of a Wellness Cohort Identifies Markers of Metastatic Cancer Years Prior to Diagnosis

Aug 12, 2021 10:30:09 AM / by Olink posted in Oncology, Wellness, Clinical research


Speakers: Andrew Magis, Director of Data Science at the Institute for Systems Biology

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Biomarker Discovery and Custom Panel Development for Multiple Sclerosis Disease Assessments Utilizing the Olink Platform

Aug 12, 2021 10:29:39 AM / by Olink posted in Neurology, Drug discovery & development, Multiple Sclerosis


Speakers:  Ferhan Qureshi, Vice President Biomarker Product Development at Octave Bioscience

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Olink Proteomics & Gene Expression Profiling: it's easier than you think

Aug 12, 2021 10:29:12 AM / by Olink posted in Multiomics, Biostatistics


Speakers: Emmett Sprecher, Team leader of data science at Olink proteomics

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Plasma ACE2 and risk of death or cardiometabolic diseases: a case-cohort analysis

Aug 12, 2021 10:28:54 AM / by Olink posted in Cardiovascular/metabolic diseases, Clinical research


Speakers:  Guillaume Pare, Professor at McMaster University and Senior scientist at Population Health Research Institute, Canada

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Driving next-generation medicine discovery with proteogenomics

Aug 12, 2021 10:28:22 AM / by Olink posted in Cardiovascular/metabolic diseases, Infectious diseases, Covid19, Proteogenomics


Speakers: Anders Mälarstig, Pfizer and Karolinska Institute &  Erin Macdonald-Dunlop, Ph.D. student at the Centre for Global Health Research at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh

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Investigating cellular pathways driving severe COVID-19: Fresh insights from longitudinal plasma proteomics

Aug 12, 2021 10:25:34 AM / by Olink posted in Infectious diseases, Clinical research, Covid19


Speakers:  Michael Filbin, Emergency Physician and Director of clinical research in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) & Arnav Mehta, Postdoctoral Researcher in Nir Hacohen and Eric Lander’s labs at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

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Human immunity to SARS-CoV-2

Aug 12, 2021 10:25:04 AM / by Olink posted in Infectious diseases, Clinical research, Covid19


Speakers: Prabhu Arunachalam from Dr. Bali Pulendran’s lab at Stanford University

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A systems-level approach to understanding the immunology of COVID-19 in adults and children

Aug 12, 2021 10:24:45 AM / by Olink posted in Infectious diseases, Clinical research, Covid19


Speakers:  Petter Brodin, Professor of Immunology at Karolinska Institutet 

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When proteins get personal: A new concept for highly sensitive, multiplexed plasma profiling

Aug 12, 2021 10:24:08 AM / by Olink posted in Wider proteomics studies, Wellness, Olink technology


Speakers:  Mathias Uhlén, Professor at Science for Life Laboratory and Albanova University Center, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) & Ida Grundberg, Chief Scientific Officer at Olink Proteomics

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Proteomics on NGS: Game-changing immunoassay technology to increase multiplexing and throughput

Aug 12, 2021 10:23:34 AM / by Olink posted in Olink technology


Speakers:  Ida Grundberg, Chief Scientific officer & Erika Assarsson, Head of R&D at Olink Proteomics

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