Expand your mass spectrometry
proteomic insights
Learn how leading proteomics experts are investigating the proteome with extended coverage with the next-generation affinity-based method Proximity Extension Assay (PEATM).
To extend proteome coverage, it's critical to precisely measure lower abundance proteins with high specificity, regardless of the complexity of the sample matrices involved. Fortunately, researchers have found a simple solution by combining the power of mass spectrometry with innovative high-throughput affinity-based techniques.
Listen to this insightful podcast featuring Dr. Stephanie Hauck and Dr. Gabi Kastenmüller from Helmholtz Munich. They discuss the emerging new era of proteomics, the great potential value of studying the plasma proteome and the challenges involved.

"Proteomics is developing very fast. The challenge is still to keep the balance between high throughput, high sensitivity and robust quantification. We want to have at least these three parameters at a very high level."
"Despite the improvement in MS technology and workflow, one huge challenge still remains: Studying the proteome of serum and plasma because the protein abundance is so imbalanced in these samples and MS can't deliver the required sensitivity and the throughput"
"This is where the complementary methods come more and more, mainly affinity-based methods because there one can target specific proteins and include amplification steps to fish out the low-abundance proteins"