We hope that you will find this data useful in your own COVID-19 research. If you have any questions regarding the data, require more information about the study, or would like a copy of the Quality Control report for the Olink data used, please contact our Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Ida Grundberg:
Data update information
The download files were last updated on April 27, 2021. If you require an earlier version of the data for any reason, this can be requested using the "Contact Ida" link above.
Changes to clinical data file
- Changes made to the WHO scores for a few patients due to transition from a WHO score to an Acuity score scale (changing from a 1-6 scale to a 1-5 scale since there were no BiPAP subjects).
- Expanded to D28 score to be a D7-D28 score in order to capture any subjects who may have been discharged during the 0-7 window but returned and were admitted between D7 and D28. Because of this, we have 7 subjects who's scores for D28 and WHO/Acuity Max changed slightly. None of the subjects (public IDs 11, 105, 178, 258, 279, 317, 373)changed their overall status from Severe to Non-severe as a result of this change.
- Three subjects (IDs 46, 56, 318) changed D0 scores from 2 to 1 (no impact on their max score or severity grouping) and one subject (170) changed D7 score from a 3 (WHO on BiPAP) to a 2 (intubated but survived) upon review of their vital sign flowsheet (again no impact on their max score).
Changes to NPX data file
- Correction factors are no longer used in the NPX calculation. These were cosmetic adjustments and their removal will not affect/change any results from previous analyses.
- more on NPX calculations for Olink Explore: VIEW FAQ - LOD is now calculated per plate rather than per project. In the original posting, 43 assays were not included as they had 100% of samples below LOD. With this new calculation, no assays have 100% of samples below LOD and as such all assays are included
- more on how LOD is estimated in Olink assays: VIEW FAQ
Referencing the data
To acknowledge or cite the source of this data in publications/reports etc., please cite the following article:
Filbin MR, Mehta A ... Hacohen N, Goldberg MB. (2021) Longitudinal proteomic analysis of plasma from patients with severe COVID-19 reveal patient survival-associated signatures, tissue-specific cell death, and cell-cell interactions. Cell Rep Med., DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2021.100287